Wednesday, May 21, 2008

recently missed blogs

just a quick note to several bloggers who have recently seem to have vanished. coopers corridor was an extremely well written blog on his life and life of his 2 wonderful boys...what a great dad he is and i truly miss reading his words everyday, many times his words helped me through a rough time that i may have been going through, another great blog that i have grown to love is akoni chaputs blog, another wonderful "brotherman" who helped me a lot...i miss these two guys alot and hope they are both ok.....if either read this enty much love and hugs to you both


CW said...

I felt the same way about Cooper's Corridor. It was incredibly uplifting. I don't have any kids but would read his site every day and it always lifted my spirits. His descriptions were always brimming full of so much love.

sweetsalty kate said...
Cooper was not who you think he was... probably not even remotely. I'm sorry to have to pass this on. The readers he fooled do seem to be a good bunch of people.