Sunday, March 22, 2009

ikissed a guy and i liked it

hey fellow bloggers....its been a while again, lots has happened, bankruptcy almost done,waiting for discharge...still screwing around with the house....dining room ceiling collapsed over winter....left a big mess, but no money to fix....oh well.....big news is i met a guy, wonderful, handsome big hearted wonderful damn fine guy and am head over heals in love right now for him......
he is a kind,gentle soul that would give you the shirt off his back and has the most beautiful green eyes anyways will post more later
hugs from cleveland


manxxman said...

And here we thought you'd been sold into gay slavery.....will thank god we know the truth now.

It's very exciting that you have found someone that makes your heart go pitter patter.....

Vic Mansfield said...

You go bro! Hope it fills in those empty spaces. Glad you're still around.

Doug said...

Hey Dave, I hope the love you're feeling makes all the other stuff bearable. That's the way it should be.

A Lewis said...

My gosh! Where have you been! What's up with this once a month posting? The blogosphere has missed you. Wishing you nothing but happiness....inside and outside.

Michael-in-Norfolk said...

Damn, I've been waiting for an update on the romance. But I guess you are too star struck in love to think of the rest of us. I guess I am going to have to call you for an update. I am so happy for you and hope it all continues go wonderfully.